February 17, 2010

Street Etiquette ‘Sewn From The Soul’

February-recognized as the shortest month of the year. It is also recognized as Black History Month, which embodies the progression of African American culture in various ways. Some people may find grief in recognizing the month as its own separate entity, yet to others the month provides a spotlight that shines on many African American notables from the past and present, who’s waves of accomplishment have sounded throughout the world.
 Sewn From the Soul is an online editorial project brought to light by seven friends who have all collaborated together in order to see a bigger picture; ultimately meshing and intertwining Style and History.  History is important as it gives us the ability to trace back what has occurred previously to help us better direct ourselves to the future. Style contributes to one’s overall character and truly dictates our persona in everything that surrounds us. We all contributed our individual style to this editorial and used a primarily monochromatic palette to assist the Black History Month theme.

I am personally strictly against racism, and i urge you people to also join in and help in eradicating this shameful thought from the societical system of the world.

1 comment:

  1. yep, racial issues should be totally eliminated for the better!
